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in Authentic North Bali

Are you looking for an opportunity to take your female and male clients away into paradise to focus on oneself?


If so, then a men- or women's retreat might be the perfect option for your business!


Women and Men Retreats provide a series of unique benefits, including improved mental health, increased self-confidence, and better relationships for those your work with professionally.


Here are the top 10 benefits of facilitating and attending a gender-intelligent retreat process. 

10 Benefits of Experiencing a

Men and/or Women’s Retreat

1. Women and Men Retreats offer a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, taking a few days to yourself can make all the difference for your clients!


At such a retreat, everyone has plenty of time to relax, rejuvenate, and reset. There is also the opportunity to meet other like-minded women and men - and form new friendships.

2. Women and Men Retreats provide an opportunity for personal growth. At a retreat, you'll be able to focus on their and your very own needs and wants without distractions.


It can be a great way to clarify their goals and what they truly want out of life.


You'll also have the chance to teach and offer them new skills and techniques that can help all who attend in their personal and professional lives.

3. Women and Men Retreats can be a great process if you're looking for an opportunity to improve the mental health of others and yourself.  At a retreat, you can help others to be able to forget their everyday worries and focus on taking care of yourself and those present.


It can lead to increased self-confidence, an understanding of how to implement self-care in everyone’s daily life and offer insight to have a more positive outlook on life.


Sometimes one just needs to break free of the norm to expand healing options, coping mechanisms, and adjustments to change how to deal with stress. 


4.  Women and Men Retreats offer the chance to build better relationships. For any man or woman struggling in their relationships, attending a men's or women's retreat can help to identify the root of the problem and find new ways to communicate with one’s loved ones. Individuals have the opportunity to meet other men and women facing similar challenges.


By forming these connections, your guests will be able to create a support system, that can help you in all areas of your life. That sisterhood, mentorship, or humanity-filled understanding your male and female companions are looking for, could be waiting for everyone on their next retreat. Just invite your clients to GRIYA BALI SURGA, and watch their relationships unfold. 

5. Women and Men Retreats give everyone endless benefits. Enlightening experiences can bring out the best in each one being present in the space! People often chase the high of illumination when it is already a part of us.


Retreats play a major role in reigniting the best in oneself, igniting that flame, and reclaiming what one feels it has been missing. The escape, relationships, environment, and teachings provide a blank canvas to create a profound masterpiece for future endeavours.


A particular business or creative vision one may hold, that rewarding partner one desires, that amazing parent men and women want to be - by attending a retreat, each man and woman can access the parts of oneself, that are destined to be activated to be the highest version of oneself! 

6. Women and Men Retreats connect you to mother nature. You may be subconsciously mindful of the benefits of being a part of mother nature, but the value it provides is most definitely an unparalleled asset to everyone's life. According to Bali Tradition, connecting to the 'goddess and our mother nature' can transform so much!


Mother nature wants everyone to live their finest life, from helping you sleep better to lowering your risk of depression to changing moods.


We at GRIYA BALI SURGA don’t know about you, but feeling sand between our toes, hearing sounds of the waves, or capturing the stars in the sky, or all of the above, seems to allow an improved way of life. All because the goddess and mother nature is involved!

7. Women and Men Retreats help rid you of imposter syndrome. Many know about the infamous imposter syndrome that causes you to question whether you are worthy of all the good that is occurring and could occur for your loved ones!


No need to stay cooped up in that humdrum of nonsense, let your clients step out of their comfort zone, and be amongst inspiring individuals and talented experts willing to teach how to quiet the heart and mind.


You deserve to achieve your goals and aspirations, and to do so you must adopt an alternate reality and mindset. Ready to make a change to others?

8. Women and Men Retreats allow space for professional facilitation and coaching. When you organise and facilitate an intimate women's or men's retreat, there is a real opportunity for individuals from around the world have the chance to connect with you as experienced facilitators throughout the event and to have private sessions with your expert coaches.


This access is an excellent addition to a men's or women’s retreat itinerary in addition to the activities and other amenities. 

9. Women and Men Retreats make space for all to experience something new. Imagine this! A gorgeous destination like GRIYA BALI SURGA with new and interesting people learning new intriguing things about themselves!


This is all a part of a sacred men and/or women’s retreat! There is something so special about being able to experience something fresh, that awakens you and calls your guests back to their highest and best self.


Don’t question it - just plan it - just design your unique process - and be proud of yourself,  when you do your first retreat with the help of our amazing villa team! 

10. Women and Men Retreats are all about investing in oneself.  Once you experience it, naturally, investing in others' precious lives will become easier for you with every new retreat process you engage in.


Investing in yourself through becoming a retreat leader alone, is a powerful way to prioritise your professional journey - and ensure that you are living as your best self. It will encourage other men and women from friends, family, and your clients to do the same.


The rewards will be great. Don’t wait - just watch out for what we are creating here with and for our guests in North Bali!

As you can see, creating and/or attending a men's or women's retreat has many benefits. A men's or women's retreat might be the perfect option if you're looking for an opportunity to focus on extending your business to improve your clients' mental health. So what are you waiting for?


If GRIYA BALI SURGA sounds right for you and up to 9 guests of yours, then contact us today! Who knows, it could be the best decision you ever make for you and your business!?!

We are curious - what are your thoughts on men and women's retreats? Have you ever facilitated or attended one? Share your experiences with us - and even more your clients!

Your spiritual facilitation journey begins here at GRIYA BALI SURGA, and we are always here to help you create a pure and abundant retreat experience for all present. 'Pure Abundance' is a lifestyle, and we are excited to invite you and your guests to join us here at our paradise in Desa Bukti.


You as an amazing teacher and facilitator can create unforgettable spiritual breakthroughs in others! Ready to join the group of dedicated GRIYA BALI SURGA facilitators and retreat leaders?

If you are NOT facilitating retreats yourself, however would be interested in attending one of the men and women retreats held by international facilitators at our magnificent venue, then please CONTACT us to get invited to one of our clients’ upcoming retreat events at GRIYA BALI SURGA. Thank you for your interest!


  copyright © 2023 GRIYA BALI SURGA.     CONTACT US

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